July 5, 2016 Donald Scarinci

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most popular software programs for editing photographs. A number of different products are available, some of which are only available via a monthly subscription. If you are considering purchasing or upgrading to the latest version of Adobe Photoshop, it is important to understand your options. For the most part, choosing the version of Photoshop that’s right for you depends on what you want to do with it. For instance, are you a professional photographer who needs all the tools Photoshop has to offer, a hobbyist that enjoys photography, or a casual photographer looking to…

November 6, 2013 Donald Scarinci

When your day job comes between you and the enjoyment of shooting pictures during the week it is important to form good habits when you pack your camera and take it out for another shoot. How many times have you seen something that made you reach for your camera to take a quick picture when your camera has been packed away for a few days? Maybe it is a family moment. Maybe it is a rainbow after a light rain. Maybe it is just a whim when you are in the middle of doing something else. Whatever the inspiration, you…

September 2, 2013 Donald Scarinci

Photography Tips for Your Sailing Vacation   Photography on an ever-moving sailboat presents many challenges. After studying the pictures from my most recent sailing adventure in Corsica and Sardinia, there are several tips I can offer. Taking pictures like this one was risky. The picture of moving sailboats was taken at 195mm at f/8, 1/125, ISO200, from a sailboat traveling at 8 or 9 knots. It would have been much safer to go with a higher shutter speed, at the sacrifice of either ISO causing more noise or aperture reducing the depth of field, and risking…